Updated: SAS HBA crossflashing or flashing to IT mode, Dell Perc H200 and H310

Dell Raid To PC WOW


Default firmware for this guide is:
Release date: 11-FEB-16

WARNING: If you have an Integrated, Mini or Mini Mono Perc H310 do NOT try to crossflash with these steps.

So this guide will be the update to my first guide… without double checking everything I’m pretty sure it’s almost identical except for the link to the ZIP file. So I’m not sure why I retyped all of this instead of just updating the ZIP file in the old guide. Anyway…. the difference between the old and new ZIP file is the sas2flsh and sas2flash versions. The default sas2flsh.exe and sas2flash.efi in this new ZIP file are p5 which allows you to pretty much overwrite/downgrade any firmware. This will help mainly those who were getting stuck on the H200 cards. I’ve also included driver, firmware and sas2flash folders that contain a wide array of sometimes hard to find…

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Easily update the BIOS and all firmware on your Dell PowerEdge server



Most might not think working with servers is fun. Most might not even list “I like long walks on the beach and Dell PowerEdge R730s with Intel X710 10Gb NICs” on their Tinder profile. But then again, you might be a homelabber who’s stoked to have scored one of those PowerEdge R710s on eBay for ridiculously cheap or you’re a SysAdmin whose proposal for one of those badass new four-socket PowerEdge servers got surprisingly approved. If you’re closer to the latter, then you agree that servers can actually be pretty fun.

You’ll also probably agree that updating all of the firmware/drivers/etc. on a server can be very tedious and boring. Even more so if it’s been neglected and everything is severely in need of an update. If the process isn’t automated in some way, it can also take a lot of your time and a lot of downtime for that server. 

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Monitoring multiple WAN links in PCC using BLACK-HOLE route approach !

Syed Jahanzaib - Personal Blog to Share Knowledge !



Dual pppoe-client wan links are configured in mikrotik with PCC load balancing.


To monitor both (ow more) wan links via some fixed routes and email in case any goes down or take other action as required.


You must be aware that to achieve any task, there are multiple ways to do so, Select whatever is best and whatever works for you (offcourse without affecting any other functionality). I tried various solutions to monitor pppoe-wan clients, but most of them didn’t worked as I wanted. So I used blackhole route approach and it worked 100%.


[This example is just for demonstration purpose only. In the real production environment you MUST use multiple host monitoring , because it is very possible that if you monitor single host, and for some reason ISP blocks it, or the owner of the host close it for maintenance…

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Expanding Possibilities / Howto add 3rd party packages in Mikrotik KVM/Metarouter!

Syed Jahanzaib - Personal Blog to Share Knowledge !

As asked by few friends, i thoughts its a good idea to share it with all.
Last Update: 5th March, 2015, 08:43 am

1- Whatis Metarouter
2- Howto install Metarouter in Mikrotik Routerboard
3- Howto install APACHE web server in METAROUTER to host your web files.
4- Howto install ASTERISK 1.8 with GUI [Feb 2015]
5- Howto setup NTP to solve DATE Time synch issue [5th March, 2015 8:43am]
6- Howto disable firewall [17th Mrach, 2015 13:00 hrs]

1- What is METAROUTER?

as defined by Greg

Metarouter is a way to have logical routers running on your existing routerboard. In essence, you create a virtual router on your RB, then you assign some interfaces to it. You then can hand this virtual router off to a customer hand allow them to administer it without effecting any of the core functions necessary on the device. .”

Also on

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Add Youtube IP Addresses to Mikrotik Address List via DNS Sync (Both A Records and CNAME)


This script can sync dns cache by regex keyword that we specify to the mikrotik address list, so you can use it to filter or manipulate the traffic.

# # yutup v0.1 # # Based on http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Sync_Address_List_with_DNS_Cache # A Mikrotik script for syncing address list with DNS cache lookup by certain keyword. # This script will try to resolve a CNAME to A records by doing dns recursive. # # 2015/03/07 # by Firman Gautama <firman@kodelatte.com> # # Tested on ROS v6.22 (RB750GL) # # REGEX match :local search "youtube|googlevideo.com" :local myaddressname "FRMN_YOUTUBE"; # Define Arrays :local IPs "" :local CNAMEs "" :local Names "" for x from=0 to 2 step=1 do={ # Reset Arrays :set IPs "" :set CNAMEs "" :set Names "" /ip dns cache all { :local name; :local type; :local data :foreach rule in=[print detail as-value where (static=no)] do={ :set name ""; :set type ""; :set data…

View original post 417 more words

Synchronize time with external NTP server on Windows Server 2008 (R2).

Time synchronization is an important aspect for all computers on the network. By default, the clients computers get their time from a Domain Controller and the Domain Controller gets his time from the domain’s PDC Operation Master. Therefore the PDC must synchronize his time from an external source. I usually use the servers listed at the NTP Pool Project website. Before you begin, don’t forget to open the default UDP 123 port (in- and outbound) on your (corporate) firewall.

  1. First, locate your PDC Server. Open the command prompt and type: C:>netdom /query fsmo
  2. Log in to your PDC Server and open the command prompt.
  3. Stop the W32Time service: C:>net stop w32time
  4. Configure the external time sources, type: C:> w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:”0.pool.ntp.org, 1.pool.ntp.org, 2.pool.ntp.org”
  5. Make your PDC a reliable time source for the clients. Type: C:>w32tm /config /reliable:yes
  6. Start the w32time service: C:>net start w32time
  7. The windows time service should begin synchronizing the time. You can check the external NTP servers in the time configuration by typing: C:>w32tm /query /configuration
  8. Check the Event Viewer for any errors.

Tested on Windows Server 2008 R2 (Build 7600).


– Marek.Z