Get mac address from Mikrotik CAPsMAN Registration Table is no comment. TO Access List

Script :

Get mac address  from CAPsMAN Registration Table is no comment. compare with dhcp server leases mac and add active host name, address list and comment to access list in CAPsMAN.

NOW We know who connect on CAPsMAN.

/caps-man registration-table {
:local SSID;:local MAC; :local AP
:foreach rule in=[print detail as-value where (!comment~””)\
# :foreach rule in=[print detail as-value where (comment~”LAO”)\
# interface=”AP_EE”
] do={\
# :put $rule
:set AP “”; :set MAC “”; :set SSID “”
:local num 0
:foreach item in=$rule do={
:if ($num = 2) do={ :set AP $item }
:if ($num = 3) do={ :set MAC $item }
:if ($num = 4) do={ :set SSID $item }
:set num ($num + 1)
:local HOSTNAME [ /ip dhcp-server lease get [/ip dhcp-server lease find mac-address=$MAC ] host-name ]
:local ADDRLIST [ /ip dhcp-server lease get [/ip dhcp-server lease find mac-address=$MAC ] address-lists ]
:local COMMENTHOST [ /ip dhcp-server lease get [/ip dhcp-server lease find mac-address=$MAC ] comment ]

:put ($AP .” ” . $MAC . ” ” . $SSID)
/caps-man access-list {
add mac-address=$MAC action=accept comment=($HOSTNAME . $ADDRLIST . “, ” . $COMMENTHOST) disabled=yes
move [find mac-address=$MAC] destination=1
:delay delay-time=10ms

Mikrotik Active User Hotspot In A Day

แก้ไขค่า Comment ให้ตรงค่าของเรา นะครับ

Please edit comment mikrotik user match you comment.

# Calculates day of the week for a givien date
# Month: jan,feb … nov,dec (must be lower-case)
# Day: 1 – 31
# Year: 1900 – 2999
# mmm/dd/yyyy same format as [/system clock get date]
# (ex. jul/22/2009)

:local date [/system clock get date]

# Math Calculation here
:local result “”
:local months [:toarray “jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec”]
:local monthtbl [:toarray “0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5”]
:local daytbl [:toarray “sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat”]

:local month [:pick $date 0 3]
:local day [:pick $date 4 6]
:local dayc [:pick $date 5 6]
:local century [:pick $date 7 9]
:local year [:pick $date 9 11]
:local yearc [:pick $date 10 11]

# if the first char is a 0 (zero) only read last char, else script fails
:if ([:pick $date 4 5] = 0) do={ :set day ($dayc)}
:if ([:pick $date 9 10] = 0) do=[:set year ($yearc)]

:local sum 0
:set sum ($sum + (2 * (3 – ($century – (($century / 4) * 4)))))
:set sum ($sum + ($year / 4))
:set sum ($sum + $year + $day)
:for mindex from=0 to=[:len $months] do={
:if ([:pick $months $mindex] = $month) do={:set sum ($sum + [:pick $monthtbl $mindex]) }
:set sum ($sum – (($sum / 7) * 7))
:set result [:pick $daytbl $sum]

# END Math Calculation

:put ([:pick $date 0 3] . “/” . [:pick $date 4 6] . “/” . [:pick $date 7 9] . [:pick $date 9 11] . ” is on a ” . $result)
#:log info ([:pick $date 0 3] . “/” . [:pick $date 4 6] . “/” . [:pick $date 7 9] . [:pick $date 9 11] . ” is on a ” . $result)

:if ($result = “mon”) do={/ip hotspot user set disable=no [find comment=Monday]} else= {/ip hotspot user set disable=yes [find comment=Monday]}
:if ($result = “tue”) do={/ip hotspot user set disable=no [find comment=Tuesday]} else= {/ip hotspot user set disable=yes [find comment=Tuesday]}
:if ($result = “wed”) do={/ip hotspot user set disable=no [find comment=Wednesday]} else= {/ip hotspot user set disable=yes [find comment=Wednesday]}
:if ($result = “thu”) do={/ip hotspot user set disable=no [find comment=Thursday]} else= {/ip hotspot user set disable=yes [find comment=Thursday]}
:if ($result = “fri”) do={/ip hotspot user set disable=no [find comment=Friday]} else= {/ip hotspot user set disable=yes [find comment=Friday]}
:if ($result = “sat”) do={/ip hotspot user set disable=no [find comment=Saturday]} else= {/ip hotspot user set disable=yes [find comment=Saturday]}
:if ($result = “sun”) do={/ip hotspot user set disable=no [find comment=Sunday]} else= {/ip hotspot user set disable=yes [find comment=Sunday]}

Firewall Spam Filtering

Firewall Spam Filtering

Adds connections to regular servers to a VALID_SMTP list (you can add your own “always valid” servers to this)
If a user is seen making multiple simultaneous connections (in excess of 10) they’re added to a blacklist and SMTP traffic from them is dropped.
/ip firewall filter
add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=VALID_SMTP address-list-timeout=2d chain=forward comment="Checking POP3" disabled=no dst-port=110 protocol=tcp
add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=VALID_SMTP address-list-timeout=2d chain=forward comment="Checking Secure POP3" disabled=no dst-port=995 protocol=tcp
add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=VALID_SMTP address-list-timeout=2d chain=forward comment="Checking IMAP" disabled=no dst-port=143 protocol=tcp
add action=accept chain=forward comment="Allow SMTP going to known servers" disabled=no dst-address-list=VALID_SMTP dst-port=25 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop traffic from those on the suspect list" disabled=no dst-port=25 protocol=tcp src-address-list=spambot
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=spambot address-list-timeout=2d chain=forward comment="10+ connects = spammy" connection-limit=10,32 disabled=no dst-port=25 protocol=tcp src-address-list=QOSCustomerIPs
/ip firewall address-list
add address= disabled=no list=VALID_SMTP



# การคำนวน Weight ของ internet แต่ละ WAN ในระบบ PCC
# คำนวนหาอัตราส่วนเองนะครับ
# ใส่เรียงลำดับ WAN หากไม่มีใส่เป็นค่า 0
# lineID:sumonchai
# หากนำไปแจกจ่ายต่อ กรุณาใส่เครดิสข้างต้นให้ครบ หากไม่ใส่ถือว่าละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์
:local wanp1; :set wanp1 3;
:local wanp2; :set wanp2 2;
:local wanp3; :set wanp3 1;
:local wanp4; :set wanp4 0;
:local sump; :set sump ($wanp1 + $wanp2 + $wanp3 + $wanp4);
:local ca; :set ca $sump;
:for i from=0 to=$ca do={
:if ($wanp1!=0) do={
/ip fi ma; add di=yes ch=TEST ac=mark-co new-co=(“pcc_1”) \
per-co=(“both-addresses:”.$ca.”/”.($sump – 1 ));
:set wanp1 ($wanp1 – 1);
:set sump ($sump – 1);
:log info $wanp1;
:log info $sump
:if ($wanp2!=0) do={
/ip fi ma; add di=yes ch=TEST ac=mark-co new-co=(“pcc_2”) \
per-co=(“both-addresses:”.$ca.”/”.($sump – 1 ));
:set wanp2 ($wanp2 – 1);
:set sump ($sump – 1);
:log info $wanp2;
:log info $sump
:if ($wanp3!=0) do={
/ip fi ma; add di=yes ch=TEST ac=mark-co new-co=(“pcc_3”) \
per-co=(“both-addresses:”.$ca.”/”.($sump – 1 ));
:set wanp3 ($wanp3 – 1);
:set sump ($sump – 1);
:log info $wanp3;
:log info $sump
:if ($wanp4!=0) do={
/ip fi ma; add di=yes ch=TEST ac=mark-co new-co=(“pcc_4”) \
per-co=(“both-addresses:”.$ca.”/”.($sump – 1 ));
:set wanp4 ($wanp4 – 1);
:set sump ($sump – 1);
:log info $wanp4;
:log info $sump